Stockholm 2018 - Sponsors

Our Sponsors

Biogasregister Logo
Lindum Logo
Greve Logo
orange gas logo
Ductor Logo
Yara Logo
Biogas For You Logo

How to become a sponsor

As sponsor we offer to include your company into our flyer and all press related material as well as in our advertisement campaign for the workshop. Additionally we include your web linked company logo on our opening page of the conference homepage.

Price: € 1500 (excluding VAT)

The price includes:

  • Two participants
  • 10 min presentation of the company as part of the program
  • Exhibition stand with floor space (2×2 meter)
  • Power supply (220V)
  • One table
  • Logotype of the company on the front page of the conference website
  • Logotype in our flyer and all press related material
  • Logotype visible between conference presentations